According to Odaily, has announced the launch of its new ‘For You’ tag on the X platform. This feature aims to enhance the discovery of tokens on the Solana blockchain. The ‘For You’ algorithm curates a dynamic information feed based on users’ past activities on This tool is designed to help users avoid farmers and uncover token projects that are often overlooked. The platform advises users to follow as many friends and alpha accounts as possible to build a high-quality information stream.
- Bitcoin(BTC)$54,638.72-0.53% 24H
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- Tether USDt(USDT)$1.0000.040% 24H
- BNB(BNB)$495.92-0.12% 24H
- Solana(SOL)$127.60-1.05% 24H
- USDC(USDC)$1.0000.00% 24H
- XRP(XRP)$0.5310.120% 24H
- Lido Staked ETH(STETH)$2,364.08-1.05% 24H
- Dogecoin(DOGE)$0.0950.590% 24H
- TRON(TRX)$0.1522.25% 24H