According to Odaily, the DeFi platform, built on the TRON blockchain, has announced the official establishment of SUN DAO. This initiative aims to further advance the platform’s decentralized governance and community autonomy, expand the application scenarios of the SUN token, and continuously promote the development and long-term governance of the protocol.
The core security elements of SUN DAO primarily include protocol functions and the SUN token. The protocol functions encompass community participation, incentive measures, self-regulation, and policy management, all managed through on-chain proposals. The SUN token will also serve as a crucial component of platform governance, incentivizing community members to participate in governance and proposals. integrates functions such as stablecoin exchange, staking, mining, and autonomy, offering decentralized financial services, including support for the exchange of Dominica’s national digital currency. As of July, the total staking volume on has reached $431 million.